Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds

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Support us

In order to continue our work, both on and off the stage and in the community, and maintain this beautiful building for generations to come, we must raise in excess of £200,000 each year (registered charity number 242977) to meet our core funding needs as well as raise money to support our project and outreach work. We do so through individual supporters including Friends and PatronsBusiness SponsorshipFundraising Events and applications to Charitable Trusts.


“Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds is one of the most beautiful and illustrious in the country… it should be on the national health.”

– Bill Nighy

We are always delighted to meet people and build new relationships, so if you are interested in helping us and becoming a part of Theatre Royal’s story, take a look at the menu to find out more or do get in touch with us.

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If you have any questions about our funding or supporting us, get in touch.

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